About Project

PHOENIX-OoC project will develop and introduce a new paper-based technology in the OoC field with huge transformative effects in economy, environment, and society. The markets that PHOENIX-OoC targets are pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that need to conduct high throughput drug screening, as well as clinicians working with personalized treatments.

The ultimate goal

The ultimate overriding goal of the PHOENIX-OoC project is to pave the way for a radically new and user-friendly technology by developing smart, multiplex, robust, accurate, data supply
paper-based OoC through specific objective (SO).

Specific Objectives

Navigating the Path to Success

Specific Objective 1

Isolation of articular joint cells and the immobilization in paper-based microporous scaffolds with anisotropic microstructure

Specific Objective 2

Paper-based tissue osteoarthritis model

Specific Objective 3

Design paper-based microfluidic patterns for continuous flow system in PHOENIXOoC

Specific Objective 4

Fabricate paper-based layer sensors array to detect oxygen, nitric oxide, nitrate, glucose, lactate, pH, and lactate dehydrogenase combined with commercially available portable multiarray potentiostat Palmsens

Specific Objective 5

Modelling for studying drugs/O2 adsorption on paper

Specific Objective 6

PHOENIX-OoC device and drug testing

Project number


Project name

Origami Paper-based tecHnology fOr the innovativE aNd sustaInable Organon-Chip devices

Project acronym


Type of action


Project starting date

1 March 2024

Project duration

36 months